HIV Test

Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. It attacks the immune system and destroys the cells that fight off infections. People who have HIV are more susceptible to infections and might have a difficult time fighting them off. If HIV progresses untreated, it turns into AIDS.

Manufactured Protein Could Become HIV Vaccine

Instead of stimulating the body to produce antibodies that fight the HIV virus, researchers at the Scripps Institute decided to manufacture a new protein that attracts the HIV virus and then prevents it from doing any damage to the body. This new research could might a drug that serves as an alternative to an HIV vaccine in humans.

Anonymous STD Testing

Follow the instructions in this guide to anonymous STD testing to get an accurate and anonymous test for sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV. The guide shows you how to protect your identity and to destroy all evidence that you even had a test. You might be able to get anonymous treatment over the phone from a doctor, depending on the STDs for which you test positive.

National HIV Testing Day is June 27, 2012

What is my status? If you don’t know your HIV status and you’ve had unprotected sex, get tested! And what better day to get an HIV test than today, June 27, 2014, which is National HIV Testing Day. There are …

Today is National HIV Testing Day — Know Your Status! Read more »